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Stream More,
Manage Less

WarpStream is an Apache Kafka® compatible data streaming platform built directly on top of object storage: no inter-AZ networking costs, no disks to manage, and infinitely scalable, all within your VPC.
✓    no disks to manage
✓    no inter-AZ networking costs
✓    infinitely scalable
Currently in production at:
Apache Kafka®
Zero Disks to Manage
than Kafka

10x cheaper than Kafka

Never again have to choose between reliability and your budget. WarpStream costs the same regardless of whether you run your workloads in a single availability zone, or distributed across multiple.
WarpStream’s unique cloud native architecture was designed from the ground up around the cheapest and most durable storage available in the cloud: commodity object storage.

Agents stream data directly to and from object storage with no buffering on local disks and no data tiering.

Create new “Virtual Clusters” in our control plane instantly.

Support different environments, teams, or projects without managing any dedicated infrastructure.

Things you’ll never have to do in the middle of the night:

Image of storage warning
Upscale a cluster that is about to run out of disk space.
Image of cluster warning
Figure out how to restore quorum in a ZooKeeper cluster or embedded Raft consensus group.
Image of data warning
Rebalance partitions in a cluster after scaling up (or down).
Storage Disk
Image of cluster warning
Image of data warning
Upscale a cluster that is about
to run out of disk space.
Figure out how to restore quorum
in a ZooKeeper cluster or embedded
Raft consensus group.
Rebalance partitions in a cluster
after scaling up (or down).

Made for developers

Try our demo in under 30s

Mac TogglesMac Toggles

Plug & Play

Kafa Logo

WarpStream is protocol compatible with Apache Kafka®, so you can keep using all your favorite tools and software.

No need to rewrite your application or use a proprietary SDK. Just change the URL in your favorite Kafka client library and start streaming!

producerConfig := map[string]kafka.ConfigValue{

config := kafka.ConfigMap(producerConfig)
producer, _ := kafka.NewProducer(&config)

Bring Your Own Cloud

WarpStream's hybrid Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) deployment model provides the ease of use of a fully cloud hosted solution, but the cost profile, security and data sovereignty of a self-hosted deployment.

BYOC clusters use your own compute, and your own object storage. Your data never leaves your environment.

WarpStream diagram
Deploy On
AWS cloud logoGoogle cloud logoAzure cloud logoVultr cloud logoIBM cloud logoMINIO cloud cloud logoOracle cloud logoDigitalOcean cloud logoCloudflare logo
Managed Data Pipelines
ETL and stream processing from within your WarpStream Agents and cloud account. No additional infrastructure needed. You own the data pipeline – end to end.
Data Governance
Store all your schemas in WarpStream's Confluent-Compatible BYOC Schema Registry. Do stateless, quick deploys and manage traffic spikes with auto-scaling.
Offset-preserving replication from any source Apache Kafka cluster. Replicate topics, consumer groups, offset gaps, ACLs and cluster configurations.

Get In Touch

You can get in touch with us by using the contact form here or by emailing the founders directly.

You can also book a demo to learn more about WarpStream from the team behind the technology.
Thank you! We'll be in touch shortly. Consider joining  our Slack or Discord in the meantime!
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